Title:  Tracheostomy 101 Fundamentals: From insertion to decannulation and beyond.


Baltimore, USA                           Thurs, March 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm EDT    

 San Francisco, USA                    Thurs, March 2, 2023at 2:00 pm PDT    

Chicago, USA                              Thurs, March 2, 2023 at 4:00 pm CDT

London, United Kingdom              Thurs, March 2, 2023 at 10:00 pm BST  

Sydney, Australia                        Fri, March 3, 2022 at 9:00 am AEDST   



Amy Freeman-Sanderson, PhD, BAppSc, Speech Path, University of Technology Sydney

Michael J. Brenner – President, GTC; MD, FACS, University of Michigan Medical School

Featured Speakers:

  1. A/Prof Stephen Warrillow MBBS PhD FRACP FCICM
    Director, The Department of Intensive Care, Austin Health
    Medical Director, Division of Medical Services, Austin Health
    Assoc. Professor, The University of Melbourne, Department of Critical Care
    Assoc. Professor, The University of Melbourne, Austin Precinct Department of Surgery
    Past President, The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
  2. Lucy Bonakdar, Senior Speech Pathologist, TRAMS Austin Health
  3. Hannah Verspuy - Senior Physiotherapist, TRAMS and VRSS
  4. Christine Bunn, Clinical Nurse Consultant, TRAMS Austin Health


Individuals with a tracheostomy and their families, and all health professionals including physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, speech-language pathologists, anesthesia/critical care specialists, other physical medicine and rehabilitation professionals, and caregivers that work together to optimize tracheostomy care and management.

Objectives :

  1. Understand the reasons for tracheostomy placement
  2. Outline the fundamentals of tracheostomy insertion
  3. Recognize the types and components of tracheostomy tubes
  4. Understand the concept of tracheostomy pathways
  5. Recognize the role of different members of the tracheostomy team
  6. Understand the lived experience of people living with long-term tracheostomy


Understanding the tracheostomy fundamentals is key for all team members across pediatric and adult populations. Essential knowledge about reasons for the need for tracheostomy, tracheostomy insertion technique, and tube type can inform management. Whilst the duration of tracheostomy placement is individual for each individual, this webinar will outline common components of the tracheostomy pathway. Finally, this webinar will discuss the key roles of patients, families, and multidisciplinary members in tracheostomy management including a glimpse into the care of an individual with a long-term tracheostomy.