Posted by Global Tracheostomy Collaborative on April 29, 2016
Friday April 29th, 2016: International Tracheostomy Symposium
7:15am - 4:50pm: GTC North America Kickoff (Turner Auditorium)
1:00pm - 4:50pm: Patient and Family Perspective (Turner Auditorium; MRB G01)
2:15pm - 4:50pm: Database Session (Turner Auditorium)
5:30pm - 6:30pm: Wine and Cheese Reception (Ticketed Item) (Turner Concourse)
Saturday April 30th, 2016: International Tracheostomy Symposium
7:15am - 5:00pm: Excellence in Trach Care (Turner Auditorium)
7:15am - 5:00pm: Airway Course/Percutaneous trach course